St. Paul's is a parish ready to grow! Located in Fort Mill, SC, we are a vibrant community and part of the Charlotte, NC metro region. Home to the best public schools in the state, Fort Mill is rich in history, but can satisfy the foodie, recreational, and cultural interests of anyone. We are passionate about the importance of youth formation and hands-on outreach to a wide variety of local organizations. We are looking for an enthusiastic, inspiring pastor to help us grow spiritually, physically and as a community of faith. We are financially sound, ready to embrace change, and open to new ideas.
We are very pleased to have The Reverend Edmund Pickup as our Interim Rector! Reverend Ed has embraced our community. Read Father Ed's Bio.
Recently he wrote the parish:
I’m going to learn to love St. Paul’s and to be a historian of the stories of this congregation. And I’m hoping that we will discover that, as Presiding Bishop Curry says, “Love grows here!” and “if it’s not about love, it’s not about God.”
I want to close with the truest and wisest thing I know, which I stole from Bishop Nathan Baxter: “The world tells us to love things and use people. God tells us to love people and to use things. That’s how you know if something is worldly or Godly.” May we be a Godly people on a unique adventure.
We invite all people to come and share in our worship. In both services, we praise God’s glorious name; we seek God’s guidance; we pray for God’s intercession in our lives; and we request God’s empowerment to carry on His ministry in the world. The first service at 8:00 am uses traditional language (Rite I) and is without music. The second service at 10:30 am uses contemporary language (Rite II) and has organ music.
During the service we have a nursery for children ages birth to four. During the 10:30 service, we offer a Kids Corner for children up to grade four. All children are welcome at both services. In the Narthex, you will find Children's Worship Bulletins and crayons for the children that provide them an outlet of expression.
Please join us as we worship God together. We have a promise that as we do, God Himself will be among us.
Senior Warden: Clare Hawes - claredulaneyhawes@gmail.com
Junior Warden: Sue Craven - bettysuecraven@gmail.com
Clerk: Dee Hodnett - deehodnett@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Dennis Edwards - jded@comporium.net
Jennifer Dickson - jcdickson60@gmail.com
Laura Daly - lrurich@yahoo.com
Mary Luzzi - antcierob@aol.com
Ellen Frank - ellenatthebeach@gmail.com
Wendy Penk - wendy.agcm@gmail.com
Lizann Rex - lizannrex@comporium.net